If you are looking for the cost of flight from Nigeria to USA in 2025, then you have come to the right webpage. Here we will share the updated ticket rates of different flights that travel from Nigeria to the United State of America.
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Air Ticket Price from Nigeria to USA
Here are the current ticket prices for flights between Nigeria and the USA;
Airline Name | Economy Class Ticket Price | Business Class Ticket Price |
British Airways | ₦1,040,061 | ₦3,609,356 |
Ethiopian Air | ₦933,448 | ₦3,625,505 |
Kenya Airways | ₦956,145 | ₦1,858,995 |
KLM Royal Dutches | ₦857,44 | ₦2,915,865 |
Delta Airlines | ₦864,228 | ₦2,544,858 |
Royal Air Maroc | ₦782,631 | ₦1,078,929 |
Air France | ₦858,188 | ₦2,919,565 |
Turkish Airlines | ₦1,070,938 | ₦2,519,658 |
Qatar Airways | ₦683,261 | ₦2,123,959 |
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